A complete guide to Kings Canyon, The Red Centre.

Kings Canyon is located in Watarrka National Park which is only a three hour drive from its better known neighbour, Uluru and a 3.5 hour drive from Alice Springs with a 4WD, otherwise a five hour drive from with a 2WD. The mighty Kings Canyon features 300m high sandstone walls, watering holes and boasts views that stretch for miles across the desert. Many people come just for a day trip from Uluru but it is much more than just a day trip destination. The Watarrka National Park has a wide range of walking tracks from over night hikes to short easy 2 km walks, helicopter tours, camel tours and accommodation options ranging form camping to beautiful resort rooms and safari glamping. WHEN TO GO? May-Sep. The best of year to go is in the dry season, Australia’s winter from May-Sep. We went in September and this was just perfect. The days were warm but not unbearable and the mornings and evenings were cool but not freezing. In June and July the night temperatures can drop to close to zero so be prepared for cold nights in the middle of the dry season. We were very…