Keeping fit while travelling

I like to keep fit, it’s mainly so I can eat all the amazing food but also I like how it makes me feel. I give up all hope of maintaining and shread of abdominal definition the minute I get on a plane and tuck into bags of the free peanuts on board. I know people might think its crazy to go to the gym on holidays but I’m not exactly on a two week holiday where I can resume my normal exercise schedule when I get home.

I love hiking and keeping active when I’m away and rack up over 15,000 steps on an average day when I’m travelling. Most days its closer to 20,000 but for those days it’s not, I like to find a gym and try out some usually archaic equipment and watch some hilarious aerobics classes from the squat rack, providing there is one.

I’ve written a little review of the gyms I’ve tried along my travels. If there is a gym I usually will seek it out and give it a go even once.

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